Friday, 12 April 2013

Meeting #5


Selection for Game Analyses and Evaluation

As a group we got together and discussed which games to select to evaluate against the criteria framework. A general consensus among the group was that we should analyse 'Around the Table', 'Who do You Think You Are!?', 'Feel it Twist it Build it' and 'The Blind Builder'. The reason for choosing these four games was that they best matched the project brief by relating to professional dilemmas and seemed interesting to play.

For the fifth and final game to evaluate, we selected 'Corporate Theft' because, the idea behind it was quite creative and it seemed it had potential as an implemented product.

Discussion of Game Construction

We volunteered and agreed on different tasks for the construction of the game.

Krista will create question cards
Maggie will supply the game pieces and packaging
Sherwin will produce a rule/instruction manual and an illustration for packaging

- Sherwin

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