Monday 15 April 2013

Prototyping and User Evaluation Session #2

A second user evaluation session was conduced within the workshop. For this iteration, the game was tweaked and most issues were ironed out. We now have a proper box to contain new objects in, blindfolds and modified the rules to improve gameplay and fairness.


Grading Scores

Each user had filled out an evaluation sheet. They scored the game against three criteria. An average was calculated below for each criteria.

Physical game: 6.3/8
Game play: 8.6/12
Game concept: 7.7/10


Users also provided brief comments which have been summarised below.


  • Entertaining, especially when people fail at guessing the object
  • Good incorporation of professional dilemmas
  • Well presented
  • Fun to play, challenging
  • Uses non-visual cues
  • Questions very well articulated
  • Original
  • Good use of senses other than sigh


  • Questions were monotonous
  • Objects were lacking variety and interest


  • Have more personal questions
  • Limit the time to guess
  • Have more variety of objects 

- Sherwin

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