Tuesday 26 March 2013

Meeting #2

About a week has passed since commencing the project. The group has been hard at work creating some concept cards.


Shared concept cards

We brought our concept cards we have made so far to the table and were pleased that each of our group members were coherent to the project timeline and followed deadlines. We reviewed and critiqued each other's game concepts and discussed any improvements/tweaks that could be implemented to better match the project brief.

Discussed more possible game concepts

With only half the required amount of game concepts, we began to discuss more ideas for new concepts.

- Sherwin

Saturday 23 March 2013

Ideas for Game Concepts

Since our games are supposed to relate to professional dilemmas and aspects of professional aspects such as conflict management, compromise, professionalism, ambition, collaboration, etc., a good starting point could be team building activities.

Here are some links which will give us a foundation to work on for our games.

Rishi Chowdhury. 2009. 10 Quick and Easy Team Building Activities. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.huddle.com/blog/team-building-activities/. [Accessed 23 March 13].

Wilderdom. 2011. Team Building Activities, Initiative Games, & Problem Solving Exercises. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.wilderdom.com/games/InitiativeGames.html. [Accessed 23 March 13].

Askville. 2007. What are some fun, icebreaker games to play at a staff retreat. [ONLINE] Available at: http://askville.amazon.com/fun-icebreaker-games-play-staff-retreat-50-co-workers/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=874398. [Accessed 23 March 13].

- Sherwin 

Thursday 21 March 2013

Examples of Concept Cards

While doing some research about concept cards we have found an excellent example of concept cards.

Jamin Hegeman, a designer, was asked to create a service  that will improve the flow people at security screenings at airports. He had created some concept cards which also include sketches. Below are some examples:

These are a good starting point for our concept cards in terms of content and presentation.

Jamin Hegeman. 2007. Service Design Applied to Airport Security. [ONLINE] Available at: http://jamin.org/service-design-for-tsa/. [Accessed 21 March 13].

- Sherwin

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Division of Tasks

We have divided up the tasks to share the workload equally.

This has been incorporated on our Project Timeline, and can be found at this link or at the top of the page.

The Project Timeline will be continuously updated to help keep on track and we know where we are at regarding deadlines.

- Sherwin

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Template for Concept Cards

A template for the Concept Cards has been created - this will ensure the same formatting and layout across all of our concept cards. It is available privately on our Facebook group.

- Sherwin

Meeting #1

After receiving the project, we had conducted a meeting in order to organise tasks as well as getting to know each other better.


Peer Introductions

Because all groups for this project were randomised, we did not know each other in the group. Therefore we took this opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other and get to know each other better. In no time, we were quite comfortable around each other and we knew for sure that the project will go smoothly.

Blog & Facebook Group

We set up our blog and created a Facebook group. This blog will document our research and work processes. The Facebook group page is where our 'behind the scenes' discussion will occur as well as collaboration of work and ideas.

Delegated Tasks

A rough project timeline was made which sets out the tasks and deadlines which we have agreed on for the time being.

- Sherwin

The Purpose of our Project

The purpose of this project is to design and construct a game that can be played by four or more people which can be played in under ten minutes. The game must engage human senses other than just the visual.

The tasks:
  • Create 20 game concept cards - a small card with the game description and a thumbnail sketch or picture
  • 3 concept maps of the design space we have explored
  • Criteria evaluation framework which we will use to choose one concept as our game.
  • User evaluation report - series of events we conducted to obtain user feedback
  • 2 copies of the game 
- Sherwin